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๐ŸŒ Form Context

form-context is a React reducer solution to manage steps.

โ“ Why#

Since we are using react-hook-form to persist data locally, we are only storing the form data and step information on each step submission.


You can avoid to store any form data if you wish

๐Ÿ—๏ธ Install#

npm install @bedrockstreaming/form-context

๐Ÿš€ Usage#

import { useEffect } from 'react';import { FormBuilder } from '@bedrockstreaming/form-builder';import {  getCurrentStepIndex,  isLastStep,  resetForm,  initForm,  setNextStep,  useFormsDispatch,  useFormsState,  FormProvider,} from '@bedrockstreaming/form-context';
import { schema, formId } from './path/to/my/config';import { fooSubmitAction } from '<my-app-module>';
const FooForm = () => {  const dispatch = useFormsDispatch();  const state = useFormsState();  const currentStepIndex = getCurrentStepIndex(formId)(state);  const shouldSubmit = isLastStepSelector(formId)(state);  const previousValues = getFormData(formId)(state);
  useEffect(() => {    dispatch(initForm(formId, schema));  }, [dispatch]);
  const handleSubmit = useSubmit(formId);
  const handleNextStep = (fieldsValues: FieldValues) => {    dispatch(updateFormData(formId, fieldsValues));    dispatch(setNextStep(formId));  };
  const handleSubmit = (fieldValues: FieldValues) => {    if (shouldSubmit) {      fooSubmit(fieldValues);      dispatch(resetForm(formId));    } else {      dispatch(setNextStep(formId));    }  };
  return (    <FormBuilder      dictionary={dictionary}      schema={schema}      onSubmit={handleSubmit}      handleNextStep={handleNextStep}      currentStepIndex={currentStepIndex}    />  );};
export const FormContainer = () => {  return (    <FormsProvider>      <Form />    </FormsProvider>  );};